Spirit Grooves

Yesterday, I mentioned something about realization. Today I want to look at its younger

brother "spiritual experiences." We all have them. The big difference between having

experiences and realization is that experiences come and go, like the tides, while

realization happens just once. When you get it, you got it, and it stays with you because

it is not an experience, but a realization.

As pointed out in the previous segment, realizations don't go away, and are much like

those figure-ground paintings we used to see, where one picture is embedded (and

hidden) in another, and you have to look and look until you see the embedded image.

However, once you see it, you can always see it again whenever you look. Realization

is like that, very practical. You realize once and you've got it.

Category:general -- posted at: 4:25pm EDT