Spirit Grooves

It has been relatively quiet on the Sun for a while, but yesterday we had a large M5.9 Class solar flare at 6:49 PM EDT (Friday June 7, 2013). I tend to forget that we are at the peak of the Sunspot cycle this year until one of these eruptions breaks out. I have written a lot of material earlier about solar flares and their effects on our mind, so I won't repeat all of that here. For those who have not tuned in to what solar flares are all about, I have free e-books, articles, and videos on this topic here, so feel free to have a look around the site: http://dharmagrooves.com/#&panel1-1 Not all solar flares are as strong as the M5.9 yesterday. What I would like to mention here is a common misunderstanding as to how solar flares work within our mind when we don't have really strong ones or are not at the peak of the eleven-year sunspot cycle as we are now. And I feel this is important to understand.

Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm EDT