Spirit Grooves

Solar flares continue to roll in, although only the three X-Class flares so far. Two MClass

flares (2nd highest class) occurred Wednesday, June 11th. Some of you have

written asking for a better understanding of how massive solar influx affects our sense

of self, so here are some comments.

What we call our "self," while tenacious as hell in terms of its attachments, is still a

relatively fragile construct. The Buddhists point out that although what we call the "Self"

has no true existence and is but a useful fabrication, it is "permanent" in its function as a

control center or glorified personal secretary. If we did not have a self, we would have to

invent one, which is exactly what we have done. However, the self is a "persona

delicata," so to speak, and easily upset, as we all should well know.

Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EDT