Spirit Grooves

Even though we are in a time of potentially intense solar flares, the Sun has been relatively quiet these last days. Large solar flares draw attention to our connection with the Sun, and it is tempting to fall into thinking that when the Sun is quiet we are somehow less connected, but this does not seem to be the case. Because intense solar activity so obviously affects Earth, it is easy to assume that the Sun is the cause and we just a victim of its activity. It is more subtle than that. This would be like saying that when our heart palpitates (and we are affected by it), the heart is the subject and we the object. While this is true in one sense, our body and our heart are so much closer to each other than that. In fact they are one being. It is the same with the Sun and the effect of solar activity on us. The quiet Sun is quiet like a heartbeat is quiet, meaning it is still there and controlling the show. We are more intimately connected with solar activity than most of us are aware of.

Category:general -- posted at: 7:51am EDT