Spirit Grooves


October 23, 2011 I get requests and messages from readers about photographing and photography equipment, especially from those of you who want to do macro and close-up nature work. This may well be more info than many of you want, so just skip over it. Here goes: You can take close-up photos with almost any camera, probably with the one you already have. All you do have to get in close. Sounds easy, right? Not so easy. Chances are that what you will get when you first start out are snapshots, quick photos of whatever you are pointing at. The journey from snapshots to real macro and close-up photos is an ever descending spiral into more and better equipment and it will cost you not only money but even more time. Macro photography has to be learned, but if you love nature, it is a fun learning curve and very good exercise.

Category:general -- posted at: 7:47am EDT