Spirit Grooves

Since there is some interest in these Phase Charts, enclosed are a few graphics that will make learning and using Phase Charts easier. One of the attractions of Phase Charts is that it remedies one long-standing failing of modern astrology, that of interpreting mirror-aspects as the same. For example, take the 90-degree Square aspect. We all use it, but in the years when I came up in astrology, everyone interpreted a waxing square the same as they did a waning square. In other words, a square is a square is a square, and so on. This would be equivalent to saying that a First-Quarter Moon is the same as a Fourth-Quarter Moon. I doubt that any astrologer would make that mistake, but then we turn around and interpret planetary aspects  that are mirrors (Squares, Sextiles, etc.) the same. Go figure.

Category:general -- posted at: 7:37am EDT