Spirit Grooves

Astrology and predicting the future are often linked together. Does astrology predict the future and, if so, how does that work? You would think if astrologers could predict something like the stock market, the first thing they would do is run out and make a million dollars or so. This would make their lives easier. But that does not seem to be the case. Astrologers are not usually numbered among the very rich. In fact, it is more likely the opposite, and here is a little story of my own about that. Many years ago, in the very early 1970s, I wanted to buy a programmable calculator. It was the beginning of my programming career and it led to my founding Matrix Software, the first astrological software company that offered programs for astrologers. And… Matrix today is the second oldest software company on the Internet (aside from Microsoft) according to an article written for Red Herring Magazine.

Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EDT