Spirit Grooves

I know something about how it is to have my mind clear, and I can tell when it is foggy, as if there was some greasy film over everything, including my usual clarity. Sometimes I just wake up with my mind out of whack. Bad dreams? Who knows? Like a camera slightly out of focus, at those times I find that I am somehow beside myself, however subtly. I can feel it, sense it, and know that I am unclear. I am not talking about being cross-eyed, but just ever-so-slightly out-of-focus -- not in tune. Years ago my life-teacher Andrew McIver would take care of this for me. When I would meet him on a given day, perhaps up on the Diag (central campus) of the University of Michigan, he could tell when I was out of sorts, I don’t know how. And I would never see it coming, which is just the point. I was not seeing that well at those times anyway.

Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EDT