Spirit Grooves

You liked the story yesterday. I may not always have one, but here is another one that to me is funny. Over the years we have had a great many Tibetan rinpoches and lamas at Heart Center KKSG, our dharma center here in Big Rapids, Michigan. This story in involves one of the very highest rinpoches, which I won’t mention by name on the chance that it might embarrass him. Let’s just say that if someone such as the Dalai Lama is the main guy, then this would be like his second in command, rank-wise, i.e. very high up. At any rate, he was staying here with us for most of a week. On this particular day the press came, he was on TV, etc. and at the time of this incident we were finishing up in the living room in our home, with everyone sitting around very respectively. All of a sudden one of my young daughters raced into the room with panic on her face declaring “The neighbor’s cat is up in our tree and he’s going to the little baby birds.” Well, you should know that my whole family and I are all about preserving life of any kind, especially baby ‘anythings’.

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