Spirit Grooves

I don't know why, but I don't like the name "vegan," even worse if I am becoming one.

The reason why is that probably, as a sometimes vegetarian, for years vegan marked

the line between yummy and not-so-yummy. There is a little story here, so I might as

well tell it. It is early in the morning and it is cold outside. There is snow on the ground

that had to be plowed. If the sun shines today I will try to walk outside. If there are gray

skies, probably I will hunker down, chicken that I am. That says it all.

I have been on and off vegetarian for years, sometimes decades at a time. I will spare

you the details… for now.

Direct download: PDF-1040-A_VEGAN_BY_ANY_OTHER_NAME.pdf
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm EDT