Spirit Grooves

A number of you wrote of your interest in this brilliant object that appeared in the sky around June 21st of 2010, after its light traveled halfway across the known universe, a five billion year journey. I will try to put this in perspective and as I am starting to get old (tomorrow I will be 69 years of age) I get to tell you a story or two of my own experience in this type of astrology. In 1976 I published the book “Astrophysical Directions,” the result of many years work on my part on the astrology of deep space and all of the objects in it like quasars, pulsars, black holes, and what-not. At the time I was an unknown astrologer, and that book was created using my IBM Selectric typewriter, a programmable calculator, and pen and ink. There I was in my tiny office, with hardly a penny to my name, yet fascinated by what deep space was all about. This was before home computers and for every one of those thousands of space objects I had to do the trig on them individually, in order to plot them into astrologer’s zodiac coordinates.

Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am EDT